How much money is this challenge saving you?

Do you realize how much this challenge is worth?

Tell me, how much do you currently spend on house cleaning? This will of course vary depending on where you are from.

Take a bit of time today to sit down and calculate just how much you spend on hiring a house-cleaner to take care of your cleaning tasks. And that is the amount of money that you will be saving up by completing this challenge!

Think of the other wonderful stuff you could be using that money for. Save it up for something special. Don't waste it on something that you can do yourself.

Of course, you need to hire professional help in some instances when it is really necessary, or for certain difficult or tedious tasks that you just can't do yourself. But, don't throw away money on what you can do! Please promise me at least that much!

Before you start with today's challenge, PLEASE send me an email letting me know just how much this challenge is worth to you? How much are you saving by taking this Challenge?

If you aren't too shy, you could even share it on the Facebook Support Group

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